19 Jun

Google-Friendly SEO Tips For Your Online Store

Ecommerce SEO Tricks The first step in getting people to buy from your website is getting people to visit your website. As you're building your online store, think about SEO. What is SEO, you ask? Let's define it. SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of using keywords to receive free, organic traffic to your website. Organic traffic simply means that you didn't pay for an ad to show up at the top of a search engine. People just found and clicked on your website because it showed up on the first few pages of search results. Search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing have search results, where websites show up and are ranked based on what the search...
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14 Jun

Fall 2018 Accessories Trends

5 Fall 2018 Accessories to Stock Accessories hold the power of taking an outfit from blah to ba-bow in an instant. This year's fall accessories are doing just that, and we can't get enough of their eye-catching flair. Keep reading to get the lowdown on 5 of the biggest ensemble add-ons you'll see— and love to wear— this autumn. 1. Fringe Frenzy Fringe makes a comeback! Tassels accompanied by feathers and 1970's-inspired fringe is back. From neutral leathers and pleathers to metallic strings, the aesthetics of fringe are more versatile than you may think. If you're really feeling this fringe thing, go wild with a fringed dress, tank or vest. If you want to try it out for the first time, we recommend...
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7 Jun

Email Marketing 101 for Boutiques

Boutique Marketing Spotlight: The Email Newsletter If you're wondering what an email newsletter even is, we're here to give you the deets. An email newsletter is a message sent to customers who are subscribers. Typically, this newsletter sign-up form should live on your homepage as a static form or pop-up form. Newsletters are normally sent out in steady intervals, like once a month on the last day of month or once every quarter and can include information about your business, your industry overall, promotions and sales. Recurring email newsletters are a great and easy way to build relationships with your customers. Not only do you stay at top-of-mind to your subscribers, but you can build trust, convey your brand personality, share news...
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31 May

Boutique Social Media Marketing Tips

6 Social Media Marketing Tips Your Followers Will Love   1.Plan for each channel Create a plan for each social media channel. The first questions you need to ask yourself when devising a social media marketing plan is, "Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat?” We recommend creating shop-only accounts on Facebook and Instagram. According to Social Media Today, Facebook currently has more traffic than any other website in the world. Think about the things you see on your personal Facebook: photos of adorable puppies, heart-wrenching videos of familial struggles and triumphs, cats on Roomba® robot vacuums. The idea is to post highly shareable content that gets a reaction from your audience. Just ensure that the reaction is a positive one! According to Jonathan Long over...
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24 May

7 Essential Boutique Essentials to Stock

7 Essential Items Your Boutique Should Always Have In Stock Essentials, staples, best sellers, go-tos, faves — whatever you call them, some articles of clothing are simply necessary to keep in your store. Why? Because they're timeless, they sell year-round and your customers are always on the hunt for 'em. Keep reading for 7 essentials you should always keep in your inventory.   1. White tees, please. You simply can't get more versatile than a basic, white, 100% cotton t-shirt. It's thin enough to layer and timeless enough to wear with not much else without looking boring. The most important part of shopping at wholesale clothing stores for white tops is the fabric. Steer clear of acrylic, polyester, rayon, acetate and nylon if you can,...
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17 May

Plus Size Fashion 2018 Buyers Guide

The Buyer's Guide to the Plus Size Fashion Market It's 2018. The world is finally turning its back on high-fashion fads from decades gone by, jutting hip bones and thigh gaps. Research from The NPD Group shows that the plus size apparel market generated $17.5 billion in sales between May 2013 and April 2014, up 5% from the prior year. Real women's real bodies are being celebrated — and we can't be more excited. You know that plus size women have just as much of a style range, wants and needs. But because plus size fashion wasn't on the runways and in the magazines for so long, knowing which brands to buy for your store can be tricky and intimidating.   Here are 5...
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10 May

Opening Your Boutique: Getting Started

How to Open a Boutique So you're thinking of opening your own boutique, huh? Congratulations! You've taken the first step into being a successful business owner. We know you've got an idea, and oh—you've got passion. We're just skimming the surface here with a few tips on how to begin your store's business plan. Whether it's a niche boutique offering hard-to-find, vintage shoes or an online wholesale clothing store, keep reading for 5 things to ponder, plan and do before opening your very own. 1. Location, Location, Location It's no secret that the traffic around your physical location will considerably impact the amount of customers who visit you—and ultimately your sales and profit. Research the area you're considering. Is it up-and-coming? Is this a...
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3 May

How to Pair Your Pieces

How to Pair your Pieces
Tips to Pair Your Pieces for the Ultimate Look Your Customer Will Love Whether it's dressing a mannequin in a top-notch ensemble or placing pieces that look great together next to each other on your counter displays, the way that you visually display your merchandise is über important in selling your goods. According to researchers behind the book See What I'm Saying: The Extraordinary Powers of Our Five Senses, Dr. L.D. Rosenblum, Dr. Harold Stolovitch and Dr Erica Keeps, most of the info our brains process (a whopping 83%) comes via our sense of sight. Looks are important when it comes to your store! This goes for teensy boutiques, large stores that cater to the whole family and wholesale clothing vendors. Here are...
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25 Apr

Denim Refresh: 7 Jean Trends You’ll See in 2018

Denim Refresh: Jean Trends for Spring 2018 Whether it be a light-wash jacket that adds warmth on an autumn day, dark date-night pants that fit you just right, or a pin-loaded vest that completes a sunny-day ensemble, denim has the power to make an outfit and will never go out of style. This Spring 2018 (and Summer 2018 too!) is getting a refresh on the runways and fashion-forward sidewalks when it comes to dynamite denim. 1. Deconstructed Denim Rips, tears, knee-and-thigh-baring holes, dangling shreds, asymmetrical silhouettes and scrapes—all forms of fabric annihilation are present in this year's denim deconstruction. Although this fad has been around for a while, this year it's getting a revamp with a few new embellishments. We always recommend offering...
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